Saturday, February 13, 2010
NUS Muscle War 2010
Hey guys, NUS Muscle War 2010 was held on 23 January 2010. I took part, just like I have done every year since 2004. Finally, after 7 consecutive participations I won! This was the first time I won an open category!
In most sports, you win or loose the contest on the day of the event. In bodybuilding, you fight a war against yourself, your body and mother nature. You have to win this day and night battle before you can even think about doing well in the contest. This war is called the competition diet and I waged it for 2 months in preparation for this contest. Basically when you are on a competition diet, you abstain from almost all sources of tasty food! Food intake will be limited to grilled fish, chicken, sweet potatoes, eggs pan fried with a little olive oil, tuna and boiled vegetables. Before embarking on such a diet, you will need to learn the exact nutritional values of the various sources of food and figure out your body's daily caloric requirements. Thereafter, work out what ratio of protein and carbohydrates you will consume on a daily basis so that your body will burn off all the bodyfat and maintain as much of the existing muscle mass as possible.
It was pretty challenging to wake up, weigh all my food and do conversions before cooking and packing everything. I loved what I was doing and followed through my diet religiously. I started off at 84kg, and on the day of the contest, weighed 72kg. This was the best shape of my life thus far! Here are pictures from my preperations and the contest!
Preperation pics:
The changes from 6 Dec 2009 to 23 Jan 2010

6 Nov(84kg) to 23 Jan (72gk)

6Nov(31.5 inch waist) to 6Dec(30 inch waist) to 23Jan(27.75 inch waist)

Shah and I after Muscle war. We have been friends for almost 10 years, and I was pretty excited that we where competing together for this event! We gave ourselves the nick "The Jurong Tag Team" back in 2005 cos we both live a stones throw away in Jurong, and we topped numerous competitions as juniors! I guess this Muscle War, the Jurong Tag Team is back in business! Cheers to our decade long friendship!

An old pic of shah and myself from Pesta Sukan 2005 and a backstage pic from Muscle War 2010.

From left: Buvenes, Revathi, Hira, Veeni, Anuty, Mother-inlaw, Younger Bro Nesan (Behind me), Saras, Cynthia and Gregory. They really made my day!!

Myself, Hairul and Shah. Hairul rendered valuable help to both Shah and myself backstage! Owe him a big thanks! Will surely be there to help you out when its your turn man!

My favourite picture of the day! Sweetheart and I after the contest. She was the one who made the most sacrifices as I prepared for this contest. She endured having to eat at limited places due to my dieting requirements and my bad mood and tantrums at times but she was always there for me. Thanks for all the support and sacarifices Dear!!
Special Thanks to Tony (Musselsg) for recording and uploading those videos!
into part of the universe...
7:29 AM